This evening, we continue our 13 post tour celebrating The Haunted Mansion’s 45th anniversary beneath the chandelier in the foyer… where the air is deathly still. The chandelier is a statement piece and makes for such a grand entrance that one hardly ever notices the spiderweb inlaid to the floor. I find that the light fixtures in the foyer are my favorites unless we’re including the gargoyles in the stretch room. Then it’s a little more difficult to decide, partially due to my concern that the gargoyles look hungry. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’m a sucker for candles. Even semi-convincing fake ones. Am I the only one going around picking out my favorite light fixtures while I’m at Disneyland?
The Haunted Mansion will be closing next week to make way for the Haunted Mansion Holiday overlay installation. It’s always a bittersweet transition for me because despite how much I enjoy Jack Skellington and the scent of gingerbread taking over, I miss my classic Haunted Mansion.