After a long day at work, not much sounds better than a model day at Disneyland. The only thing missing… is you!

Disneyland photography blog
After a long day at work, not much sounds better than a model day at Disneyland. The only thing missing… is you!
One of the most enchanting things you’ll encounter at Disneyland is a ragtime piano player. Their smiles are filled with charm and their fingers tickle the ivories so fast the laughter of the piano turns into a song. You can’t help but postpone your travels down Main Street when one of these talented musicians takes a seat to play. I thought to take a few pictures while Pat played, but only a few. I was far too busy listening to his piano laugh.
I guess no one ever told these two that it’s not polite to stare. It’s not your imagination; once you make it out of the haunted room that is actually stretching, it’s all they do. They don’t care if you move left, right, up or down. It’s one of those little touches that slowly chips away at your comfort in the Haunted Mansion so that by the end you are questioning whether one of those hitchhiking ghosts will actually follow you home!
Happy Valentine’s Day! Nothing says it quite like a romantic sunset on the wild frontier. Well… maybe the wild frontier isn’t the most romantic place, but Disneyland sure is.
Some of the more obscure settings at Disneyland are the most interesting. I took this picture with the Gibson Girl Ice Creamery behind me, looking into the Penny Arcade – two of my favorite places on Main Street. It’s a wonderful place to be, as the warm aroma of waffle cones fills the air and the soft lights of the arcade dance across the ceiling. Aside from that, I completely fell in love with the beautifully detailed glass sign.
When we first started taking pictures around the Disneyland Resort, this was one of the spots I was most drawn to. It’s so dynamic and I love all of the different textures. With the sun setting, soft warm light flitted its way across all of those wonderful textures. I took this picture and a few others, but mostly just stood there taking it in. It’s one of those places you can stand for a while, leaning against a banister, contented.