Final Hours to Save
There are still a few hours left in our sale. Don’t be an April fool tomorrow by missing out! hehe…
Buying and Selling the Rare and Exotic
Adventureland and the Jungle Cruise always make me feel like a late nineteenth/early twentieth century British explorer about to embark on some excursion into the jungle filled with mystery, romance and, of course, adventure. Before undertaking such a journey, it’s always a good idea to stop by the trading outpost to pick up supplies and see what treasures you might find… or be led to believe you’ll find only to find that you’ll have to find them somewhere else. Whew! Still with me?
This sign has been a favorite part of Disneyland for me for some time now. It never ceases to make me laugh. If only I could say the same of the Jungle Cruise. Kidding! I could say the same of the Jungle Cruise, only I’d be lying. Kidding again!
I better wrap this post up before I’m fed to some hungry, hungry hippos.
That feeling, you know, the one that I described before this turned into a train wreck, is what inspired the look of this picture. I don’t know if you’ve ever taken a gander at the old photos inside the Jungle Cruise queue of the original “Jungle Crew”, but that’s very much the spirit of the look I had in mind, and usually have in mind when I sit down to work on an Adventureland photo. If you didn’t enjoy this post, just remember there are a thousand others for you to not enjoy as well!