The Crystal Arcade pumpkins are one of my favorite clusters on Main Street. I think it has a lot to do with the way the orange hue of the pumpkins pops against the bluish green of the Crystal Arcade. In the morning, the sun really gives them a nice glow. You could probably spend half a day or more discovering all of the pumpkins on Main Street. I love how expressive they are.
For inspiration, I decided to have a Harvest Pumpkin Ale from Samuel Adams while I worked on this picture. It was really good, if you’re into that sort of thing. I happen to really enjoy good beer, which is one of the many reasons I’m excited for our move to San Diego. There are a ton of craft breweries down there. The apartment/cottage/house hunt has been pretty brutal though. There seems to be a lot of places to choose from but it’s a draining process. Especially with all the scammers out there that get your hopes up with an exciting listing. What’s up with that? They should all be turned into pumpkins and put on Main Street.