The past few months have been some of the craziest and busiest the three of us have ever had. The chair at my desk seems like it needs a vacation almost as much as I do and I hope that time is coming very soon. I hope too that the time will be coming soon when we can share with you just what we have been working so diligently on. In any case, one of the greatest challenges in a hectic schedule or a pressure filled situation is to find or rediscover your center. What I mean by that is your quiet place. A place of peace. A place where you can see clearly your objective and the path that will take you there. A place where you can check your motives with all transparency. A place where you are certain of your purpose. Fortunately, having done this dance a time or two, I have a few ideas of where to look. Sometimes I look to the beauty of nature, which always seems to have a calming effect. There’s a simplicity to it, like a Frontierland sunset. Other times, a great story to escape into will help slough off what ails me, whatever form it may come in. Without fail, prayer puts me in this place. There’s just something about talking to my Creator that makes the complex things simple and the overwhelming noise a whisper.