I think the thing that most excites me about Ghost Galaxy is the simplicity of using an existing platform to tell a new story, even briefly. It may not seem as successful a transformation when comparing it to Haunted Mansion Holiday but that misconception only persists if you insist on comparing apples to oranges. Space Mountain doesn’t deliver the same depth of story that the Haunted Mansion does to begin with. The fact that Imagineers were able to cook up what they did with a minimalist pantry only encourages me for how they will continue to adapt and improve seasonal experiences over time.
Space Mountain’s queue turns into a ghost station for its Halloween makeover to Ghost Galaxy. The feed playing on the screen gives way intermittently to some sort of otherworldly interference. A disquieting hush is magnified by the green glow that dimly illuminates station. There is just enough out of place to instill cause for concern.
Apologies for not posting this last night, as was intended. We’ve been experiencing technical difficulties with our server and it seems we may need to transfer our blog once again. If anyone has web hosting recommendations, I’m all ears!