This shot is the very last shot I took from our twenty-four hour Disney extravaganza and in many ways it is my favorite from the day. This scene is always what I think of first when I think of Disneyland. I love the Main Street Depot and the ever changing Mickey Mouse flowers. It’s the first thing you see past the turnstiles as you eagerly wait to enter and the last thing you look back on as you leave. As we walked through the tunnel, past the attraction posters and out into this grand entrance area, the early morning light seemed to make a point of highlighting Mickey. It makes sense, after all, Walt wanted us to remember that it was all started by a mouse. Even the sun seems to take note of such important things. But for me, more important than any of this, this image is the moment in which I remembered, very tangibly, how special this place is and how blessed I am to visit. To have taken part in such a wonderful event put on by dedicated hard working people is almost indescribable. Twenty-four hours culminated in so much more than exhaustion. This is the place, this magic kingdom, where we make memories and have special moments.