Most people would agree that Pirates of the Caribbean is one of the best Disney attractions ever built. The theming is so elaborate that no matter how many times you’ve ridden it, you never know what you might find. As they say, there be plundering pirates lurking in every cove.
One of my favorite areas of Pirates of the Caribbean is the Blue Bayou. No, not the restaurant (though crab cakes do sound mighty good right now), but the bayou itself, aglow with lanterns, fireflies and twilight.
I always whip my head around in search of any detail I’ve missed in the painted backdrop whenever I go seeking adventure and salty old pirates, but the best discovery I’ve made in the greater Blue Bayou area is this secret section of the Pirates exit. I bet this is the landing that Laffite* uses when the line gets long, you know, since Pirates doesn’t have a Fastpass and even if it did, he would be too cool to use one.
I suppose this section isn’t all that secret. You just have to look around and not let your crew mates hurry you out into New Orleans Square before you’ve had a chance to explore.
I could probably stand in this spot all day watching boats launch from the dock and fireflies dancing over the water.
*Side note: Anyone ever notice that the sign over the loading area is spelled Laffite while the sign at the anchor by the Rivers of America is spelled Lafitte?