It seems like it’s been too long since I’ve worked on a picture of the Haunted Mansion. Rectifying that problem tonight was a lot of fun. Every picture is different and it’s rare that the flow of one is ever similar to another but I can say that I took my time on this image more than I usually do. Partly it was fun. Partly it was having inspiration and drive to go after what I wanted this picture to be. This angle is one that I was rather happy to find. I’ve loved this stone structure with its warmly lit wooden door and for a long time, wanted to share it here in some way. I always get a sort of lighthouse feeling from it. Maybe it’s the stone in particular, but this rustic treasure, on the backside of the Harbor Galley, sits next to the Rivers of America and New Orleans Square, a port city. In my own imagination, I see this structure oceanside with cold, tempestuous waves thrashing against it, trying to tear it down. To have a dreary feeling like that pairs so well with the Haunted Mansion. Its ship weathervane plays into my notion nicely, as do some of the backstories to the mansion, where the owner was a drowned, murderous sea captain. I hope you enjoy tonight’s picture, with its hot and cold running chills. Remember, there’s no turning back now!