In The Haunted Mansion, every room has wall to wall creeps. They make appearances in portraits, in wallpaper, in moulding. You never know where you might find a face watching over you as you try to find a way out. These subtle details create an atmosphere that finds even the bravest souls adorning the occasional cadaverous pallor.
The Haunted Mansions’ 45th anniversary may have come and gone with the weekend but that won’t stop us from continuing the celebration. We’ve got posts lined up through the better part of next week and what better time to set a spooky tone than as the Halloween season approaches at Disneyland? Better still is that many of these pictures will be available as very limited edition prints starting tomorrow (Wednesday). We were able to get a shop back up and working today so that’s another small victory on the road to fixing our website. Thanks for your patience through all of this!