Disneyana Fan Club Meeting
We had the privilege of speaking at the Chapter at the Park meeting of the Disneyana Fan Club yesterday. It was an absolute blast getting to share a few of our stories and thoughts with some of the nicest folks we’ve met since starting Tours Departing Daily. What gracious hosts!
Kevin, Michaela and I don’t do a lot of public speaking but we were doing a pretty good job keeping down the nerves. That is, until Kevin Kidney and Jody Daily walked in! They shared a couple of announcements for upcoming events in Anaheim that sounded like a lot of fun. Anaheimland with Charles Phoenix is being presented by the Anaheim Historical Society in May, celebrating the original Magic Kingdom and the city around it. In October, Anaheim will be having its nearly century old annual Halloween parade. We saw pictures of last year’s and were so bummed we missed out. We won’t be making that mistake again this year and neither should you!
We will be speaking again at the Disneyanamania Convention in July. We’re really looking forward to it and would love it if you’d join us!
A Profile That is Out of This World
Walt Disney’s Enchanted Tiki Room is so much fun. The gorgeous colors, the relaxing tropical atmosphere, the brilliant song by the Sherman brothers and the witty script performed by talented voice actors create one of my favorite experiences in Disneyland.
This shot is a reminder to me of one of the moments that always gets me laughing. Pierre (the bird in the shot) says, “My profile is out of this world!” and Fritz responds that it’s “not far enough out of this world.” It’s the sort of quick humor that can sail right over an inattentive head.