In the evening, when many of the attractions surrounding Paradise Bay close, there is a calm from those spots that would normally find guests shrieking with merriment and delight. The energy all focuses on the preparations for World of Color and the buzz from guests waiting for the fantastic water show is electric. We recently took a stroll through Paradise Pier as this was happening and I found myself drawn to the grounded Golden Zephyr. The area was completely vacant save one cast member. It really resonated the classic boardwalk theme with me, part of which I am certain came from the cast member’s costume, which wonderfully reflects that feeling. The Golden Zephyr itself is an attraction that I love, not necessarily for the experience, but for its look and what it represents. The way the bluish light from the onset of evening brought out that sleek chrome on the zephyrs was really what I was drawn to most. I love the feeling of the Pier and really felt this scene captures it.