With the closure of Condor Flats, an afternoon Fly ‘n’ Buy is no longer possible. I imagine the shop itself will remain, rebranded to the Grizzly Peak theme. There must be merchandise, after all. It would be cool if some national parks stuff snuck its way in.
The progression of change at the Disneyland Resort has been interesting to watch over the past several years. Things don’t really go the way of the yesteryear in a hurry. They sort of get picked at, piece by piece. Condor Flats saw its entrance sign disappear some time ago now. Luigi’s Flying Tires lost its beach balls. The safety updates…
It lessens the final impact, to have change come in bite-size pieces rather than hit you all at once. I think in most cases, these decisions have been good or necessary. Some, however, I think we may not feel until the steady passage of time has brought it into focus. In particular, the Disney Gallery comes to mind. First moved. Then consolidated with Disneyana. That was the writing on the wall. Putting two signs on a single building doesn’t make it two things.