With the closure of Condor Flats, an afternoon Fly ‘n’ Buy is no longer possible. I imagine the shop itself will remain, rebranded to the Grizzly Peak theme. There must be merchandise, after all. It would be cool if some national parks stuff snuck its way in.
This sign used to mark the entrance to Condor Flats but recently made its departure. One late afternoon on passing by, I was struck by the alignment of the streaking clouds with the condor and the plane. It really emphasized the idea of flight and immediately I was transported with the idea of soaring into the sunset.

Lined Up For a Soarin’ Day
Soarin’ Over California is one of my favorite Adventures in DCA, especially on a hot day. There are so many neat things in the queue to keep your attention and of course the ride itself is incredible. It’s a perfect respite from warm weather with the chilled air and the many refreshing scents blown your way. I’m not sure I could name a favorite scent though. Could you?

Sunset Over Condor Flats
The sun dipping behind the Soarin’ structure is a really cinematic moment that almost feels like it should be included in the ride itself. It’s easy to forget that you’re at Disneyland and start dreaming of flying into that sunset on your very own adventure. Just watch for passersby. They don’t take too kindly to being run into, even if you’re humming an epic theme song.

Freedom Like Wings
A lyric to a favorite song of mine is “Freedom like wings and I will use them. Freedom like wings and I will spread them wide.” I imagine that’s how the legends of flight must have felt soaring into the unknown, breaking new ground in the history of humankind. Their courage and spirit of adventure are virtues to strive for in our lives. It reminds me of something Walt said,
Around here, however, we don’t look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things – because we’re curious. And curiosity keeps leading us down new paths. We’re always exploring and experimenting.
Soarin’ Over a California Night
Soarin’ Over California is one of those rides that’s as grand outside as it is in. Just looking up at it you know you’re in for something amazing. The ride itself is so immersive with all of the sights and smells that transport you all over on a tour of our Golden State of California. One minute it smells like a pine forest, the next an ocean breeze and then my favorite, an orange grove. It’s crazy to me to think that orange grove could have been right where we ride Soarin’. Just so you know, Clinique Happy cologne for men smells an awful lot like the orange scent in Soarin’.