I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t ride Splash Mountain nearly enough. I could blame it on the camera equipment—and that would be mostly true—but really it comes down to the fact that I enjoy simply being at Disneyland enough that riding anything is supplemental. Most of my time is spent observing my surroundings and how people interact with them.
CONTINUE READINGTogether With Friends
Michaela and I are off this year to spend Thanksgiving with our good friend, Dave. Not only is he a great friend, he’s a most gracious host and an extraordinary cook. We anticipate food comas to set in by 5:00PM and we’re bringing pants with elastic waste bands to make sure we’re prepared. He doesn’t judge. He just keeps bringing out more food.
There’s nothing like the cherished time spent with family and friends. I’m grateful that we have a day set aside to focus on that and remember what life is all about. Whatever your festivities may be today and wherever they take you, we pray your day is blessed. We’re thankful for so very much and certainly not least of all — you. Happy Thanksgiving!

Headed to the Hundred Acre Wood
We got to meet an internet friend for the first time, hanging out at Disneyland yesterday. It’s awesome to live in a day and age where you can connect with someone that lives hundreds of miles away and kindle a friendship before you’ve ever seen them face to face. There’s something about the ability to express yourself online that makes this whole process easier and faster. Posting pictures, videos or works of art are huge insights into a person and a great way to make a connection. Within a few hours of meeting face to face we were already singing princess songs in the most manly way imaginable. Later in the evening we enjoyed what must have been a three hour conversation over dinner at Cafe Orleans, which brought us to Fantasmic!, which of course we quoted to each other for the bulk of the show. By the end of the evening I was even persuaded to ride the Tower of Terror, which if you have read previous posts on this, I have not been a fan of. You know, the whole dropping thing. Yeah… I got over that and had a blast, thanks in part to a great new friend.

Explorer Canoes for the Frontier King in You
I might be in the minority, but I love the canoes. It’s the only ride where whether you make it back or not is up to you, sort of… More than that I love that it’s titled after a man I greatly admire, Davy Crockett, the real one and Fess Parker’s. I always root for the standup guy. His slogan, which are truly words to live by, “Be sure you’re right, then go ahead.” Don’t be afraid of stepping out into the unknown or the opposed, so long as you’re sure you’re right.

Christmas in Critter Country, Est. 1889
Critter Country is an especially cozy place at Christmastime with its rustic charm. It’s also a great place for some delicious treats any time. Just watch out for bears who might try to steal your delicious treats… or snuggle.

A Splash of Sunset
For some, Splash Mountain is the highlight of a hot summer, providing a sweet respite from the heat. As much as I enjoy the ride, my favorite thing about this mountain is the way it glows at sunset. The peak itself almost seems ablaze. Beneath the cool cast trees of Critter Country it is truly a sight to behold.